Lodge St Anthony 154
January 2025 - Installation

January 2024 - Installation

RWM Bro. Ewan Littlejohn

RWM Bro. Ewan Littlejohn

November 2023 - EA Degree
& Provincial Visitation

January 2020 - Travelling Trowel
(Captured by Lodge Vale of Alford 910)

L-R: WJW Bro. Donald Banks, RWM Bro. Allan Brown, RWM Bro. Brian Mackay, WSW Bro. Ewan Littlejohn
2019 / 2020 Installation
27th December 2019

4th February 2019
EA Practice Degree

Cheque donation to Inverurie Environmental Improvement Group. L-R: PM Bro. Allan Brown Almoner, Ian Mitchell, vice-chair IEIG, John Glover, Chairman IEIG, PM Tyler Bro. Norman Peters (behind), RWM Bro, Brian Morton, WJW Bro. Ewan Littlejohn.

JD Bro. Jason Paterson

RWM Bro. Brian Morton, Steward Bro. Allen Smith

SD Bro. Donald Banks
2018 / 2019 Installation
27th December 2018

Front L-R: WSW Bro. D Allan, RWM Bro. B Morton, WJW Bro. E Littlejohn, SD Bro. D Banks, Rear L-R: Sec Bro. I Cameron, Tyler Bro N Peters, Tres Bro I Matthew, PM Bro. A Binnie, IG Bro. R Finlay

RWM Bro. Brian Morton

RWPGM Bro. Andy Lawrie & RWM Bro Brian Morton

RWPGM Bro. Andy Lawrie & RWM Bro Brian Morton
Reigning Masters Degree - Bro. Marc Wright
1st October 2018

RWM Bro. Brian Morton, MM Bro. Marc Wright

PM Bro. Doug Allan`s 50 Year Diploma and PL Jubilee Jewel

Handover to Lodge St John, Bucksburn, No 795
EA Degree - Bro. Jon Donnelly
2nd April 2018

EA Degree
2017 / 2018 Installation

Front L-R: WJW Bro. Ewan Littlejohn, DOC Bro. Alan Brown, RMW Bro. Brian Morton, RWPGM Bro. Andrew Lawrie, WSW Bro. Doug Allan, Tyler Bro. Norman Peters Rear L-R: PM Bro. Ally Binnie, SD Bro. Bill Smith, Treasurer Bro. Ian Cameron, Secretary Bro. Ian Matthew, Almoner Bro. Gordon Wackett, JD Bro. Donald Banks

EA Degree - Bro. Robert Findlay 6th Nov 2017

L-R, Bro. Robert Findlay, RWM Brian Morton
MMM Degree - Bro. Cameron Smith 16th Oct 2017

MMM Bro. Cameron Smith

Enjoying the harmony - L-R. Bro. Dennis Alan, RWM Bro. Brian Morton, PM Bro. Norman Peters

L-R. Bro. Cameron Smith, Bro. Ewan Littlejohn

L-R. Bro. Cameron Smith, RWM Bro. Brian Morton, RWMM Bro. Ian Mathew
2016 / 2017 Installation

L-R: IM Bro. Ian Matthew, PGM Andy Lawrie, RWM Bro. Brian Morten, IM Bro. Brian Mackay

Front L-R: DOC Bro. Douglas Findlay, SW Bro. Allan Brown, RMW Bro. Brian Morton, JW Bro. Doug Allan. Back L-R: JD Bro. Bill Smith, Sec Bro. Ian Cameron, SD Bro. Ewan Littlejohn, IG Bro. Donald Banks, Tyler Bro. Norman Peters

Back row from L-R, Bro. Calum Mackinnon, RWM 922. Bro.Charlie Hogg, RWM 1224. Bro. Ian Matthew, PPGM. Front row from I-R, Bro. Andy Lawrie, PGM, Bro. Brian Melvin, RWM 795, Bro. Doug Findlay, PPGM, RWM 154, Bro. Mike Kinnaird, PPGM, Bro. Andrew Mitchell, PPGM and Bro. Donald McGregor, RWM 1269.

Principal IM, Bro, Ian Matthew, an Honorary Member of our Lodge. To the right, Bro. Brian MacKay, IM, and Bro. Douglas Findlay, PM, DoC, 154.
Pre 2017 Photos

The handover of the cheque for the Garioch Flood Victims Relief Fund per the Inverurie Round Table

The handover of the Grand Lodge Cheque to St Andrews School

A £300 cheque to Gordon Dementia Services accompanied by some Brethren from local Lodges

Our newest MMM Bro Joshua Enyimble being welcomed by the RWMMM Bro Norman Peters